
 The purpose of this blog is to share my experience real-time completing a six-week hCG diet.
Let me start by sharing my experience this is not the first time that I have completed an hCG diet. Last year was the first time my wife and I were introduced to the hCG diet we used a product called fastdrop hCG. The first time we did the hCG protocol my wife and I completed the 8 week protocol. The weight loss was amazing. I started I was to 278 lb. after the 8 weeks I was down to  238 lb. After the final weeks of the very low calorie protocol, then 3 weeks of the maintenance phase. 
After the 8 weeks I went back to eating a relatively standard diet. When I would if noticed anyway weight gain. I would go to the apple stake day that is outlined in the protocols, I would notice the next day an adjustment in my body weight. 
After about three weeks of being completely off the protocol eating a standard diet. I noticed that just by making slight changes in my caloric intake (making better choices) my body respond extremely fast to the change in the diet. So from my experience of the first time around  it definitely seemed like my metabolism was more responsive than before the protocol.

Where I am now after over a year:
After a few months of completing the protocol things in my life became very busy. New job, new challenges with a growing  young family. Higher stress levels, greater time constraints and just flat-out bad eating habits. I have picked up some weight. I’m currently at 248 pounds. My wife has gained some weight as well so we’ve decided to go back on the HCG diet.
Our goal is to complete a 3 week cycle on the very low calorie protocol. Then 3 weeks on the maintenance protocol. Our goal is to drop min of 15 lb each we think that is possible for our experience before. After completing the 6 week HCG diet we will beginning a regimented and constant exercise program and common sense eating  plan.
 This blog will take you into my day-to-day progress in the process. This time around on a shorter more precise hCG diet. This blog I’ll share some video diaries, photos. Share some of the meals and things that my wife and I have found to be very helpful when using the hCG diet. This is a fast and effective weight loss tool to get us back on track to a healthy lifestyle.
I will share my measurements before and after as well as my daily weight loss. I will share what I’m feeling the struggles and victories. What I find that helps or hindrance in completing this process. I am also hopping that by committing to writing this blog it will help me stay motivated. So that if you decide to try this option you have real firsthand experience from someone doing it.

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