Monday, March 12, 2012

Day 8 of my hCG six week diet protocol

Wight in this morning 238 pounds down .8 from yesterday.
Only 13 more days to go till the maintenance phase. I be able to eat a lot more calories can’t wait!
I’ve been tired all day today woke up late mainly due to the time change. Losing an hour over the weekend really makes a difference. Other then that, it was pretty good. Hunger was in check most of the day, was able to walk past cookies and brownies in the office. Not even tempted. I know I’m going to hit my goal and don’t that to hinder that. 
Breakfast: Half a grapefruit, 24 ounces of black coffee with Stevia sweetener.

Lunch: IN n Out hamburger protein style no bun raw onions extra tomato ketchup mustard only.
Dinner: Chicken salad with 3oz boneless skinless chicken breast, one hard-boiled egg white, Apple cider vinegar for dressing. 
Dessert: One piece of Ezekiel bread toasted, with cut up 3 strawberries over the top like strawberry shortcake. 
Total 10 cups of water and 2 cups of tea, 2 cups of black coffee through out the day.

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